How to Sort and Separate Your Laundry

Why Sorting Laundry Matters

Streamline your laundry day and mitigate potential damage by mastering the art of sorting your laundry properly. Whether you dread or love this task, sorting and separating laundry is a crucial step that can preserve your clothes and prevent accidents. Coco Laundry - Laundromat, Wash & Fold, with its laundry expertise, guides you through the process to help you sort your laundry like a pro.

Before diving into the best sorting practices, it's essential to understand why this step is pivotal in the washing process.

Identifying and Treating Stains

Effective laundry sorting acts as an audit for your clothes, allowing you to inspect each item closely as you remove it from your laundry bag or hamper. This process helps you spot stains, giving you the opportunity to set aside stained garments for pre-treatment before cleaning.

Preserving Your Clothing

Separating laundry based on fabric type and color is crucial to prevent color bleeding during washing. Certain dyes are prone to bleed if not sorted properly. Coco Laundry emphasizes the importance of this step, especially for garments with vibrant colors like red.

Protecting Delicates

Sorting your laundry also enables you to identify and handle delicate items separately. Delicate items, such as silk or lace garments, require special treatment to avoid damage during the washing process.

How to Sort Your Laundry

  1. Read The Care Labels: Before sorting and washing, always consult the care labels on your garments. These labels provide essential guidance on proper care, including recommended temperature settings. Care labels also detail the fabric composition, allowing you to identify items that may need special attention, like cashmere.

    If time is a constraint, prioritize checking care labels for items that require extra care. For delicate or unique materials and colors, it's crucial to be attentive.

  2. Sort Using Piles: Simplify your sorting process by creating piles. Start by separating lights and darks to minimize the risk of color bleeding. Further categorize your colored piles into darks, other colors, and whites, considering the most prevalent color in multi-colored garments.

Create sub-piles for stained garments, items needing dry cleaning, linens, daily outfits, denim, workout clothes, and delicates. If this detailed approach seems overwhelming, start with a basic system of lights and darks.

Using the pile system ensures you wash similar garment types together, reducing the risk of damage during cleaning. It also allows you to set aside items requiring special care, like those needing dry cleaning service.

For delicate or dry-clean-only garments, consider professional services like Coco Laundry's Dry Cleaning. This ensures proper care for these items without risking damage in a standard washing machine. If sorting and folding your laundry isn’t your thing then don’t be afraid to reach out to our team to learn about our laundry services in Long Beach, CA including pick-up and delivery, wash and fold and more!

Seamless Laundry Solutions with Coco Laundry

By following these expert tips, you'll elevate your laundry sorting game. If you prefer to skip the sorting and washing process altogether, consider professional services like Coco Laundry.

At Coco Laundry, our experts meticulously sort your lights and darks, handling your laundry with care. Take advantage of our Wash & Fold, Pick up, and Delivery services any day of the week, including Sundays. Schedule a pickup here for a hassle-free laundry experience.

Trust Coco Laundry to simplify your laundry routine and deliver professionally cleaned garments to your door.


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